Today our year 4 children performed a Christmas showcase with their stringed instruments that included Christmas singing!
Trying super hard to keep the best with a whole class ensemble…. Budding musicians! #olipmusic@csergeant3 @oli_primary @DeputyOLI
Exploring how to keep the beat with different instruments in Music… if we find it tricky we help our friends too! #olipmusic @csergeant3 @oli_primary @DeputyOLI
In music today we practised following the beat using different instruments…. Fabulous work! #olipmusic
Today in Miss Whitaker’s class we used our knowledge of numbers to play higher and lower. The children were fantastic but the boys won by 1 point….as you can see they were very happy!?? @oli_primary @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI #olipmaths
Today year 3 read and performed using un-tuned percussion #olipmusic @DeputyOLI @csergeant3 @oli_primary
@oli_nursery have been enjoying singing number rhymes this week. Our favourite has been ‘Five Cheeky Monkeys Swinging in the Tree’ ??????? #olipmusic #olipmaths @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI @oli_primary
Music – the children in year 2 have been enjoying learning all about rhythm and beat ?? @csergeant3 #olipmusic ☺️
Music Chatter

Music – Learning all about rhythm and beat
Music – the children in year 2 have been enjoying learning all about rhythm and beat ?? @csergeant3 #olipmusic ☺️
Singing number rhymes in nursery this week
@oli_nursery have been enjoying singing number rhymes this week. Our favourite has been ‘Five Cheeky Monkeys Swinging in the Tree’ ??????? #olipmusic #olipmaths @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI @oli_primary
Music – Untuned percussion
Today year 3 read and performed using un-tuned percussion #olipmusic @DeputyOLI @csergeant3 @oli_primary
Today in Miss Whitaker’s class we used our knowledge of numbers to play higher and lower
Today in Miss Whitaker’s class we used our knowledge of numbers to play higher and lower. The children were fantastic but the boys won by 1 point….as you can see they were very happy!?? @oli_primary @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI #olipmaths
In music today we practised following the beat using different instruments…
In music today we practised following the beat using different instruments…. Fabulous work! #olipmusic

Exploring how to keep the beat with different instruments in Music…
Exploring how to keep the beat with different instruments in Music… if we find it tricky we help our friends too! #olipmusic @csergeant3 @oli_primary @DeputyOLI
Trying super hard to keep the best with a whole class ensemble…
Trying super hard to keep the best with a whole class ensemble…. Budding musicians! #olipmusic@csergeant3 @oli_primary @DeputyOLI
Year 4 Christmas Strings Showcase!
Today our year 4 children performed a Christmas showcase with their stringed instruments that included Christmas singing!