Hugh Baird – STEAM Expo

Our Year 3 and Year 6 were invited to Hugh Baird college to take part in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths) Expo 2024. What a fantastic time they had!

The children enjoyed exploring different materials and the different ways they could use them in the creative area.

We have really enjoyed finding out about Andy Goldsworthy and how he creates Transient Art. He uses the natural environment to create art and we have done the same!

Some fantastic illustrations from our favourite stories, we have some budding artists in Year 1! @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI #olipart

@oli_nursery enjoyed making themselves to finish our learning on ‘me and my family’. We look forward to next week’s page of ‘You Choose’. @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI #olippshe #olipart #olipreading

After introducing our new text, You Choose, we discussed our family members and some of us drew pictures of them. #olipreading #olipart @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

We have taken a real interest in our display about ourselves and our families. @oli_nursery have been drawing representations of each member in their family as part of Key Person Time. #olippshe #olipre #olipart @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

We enjoyed the physical and art skill of ‘marbling’ with large marbles. @oli_nursery loved noticing the marks they could make and colours they could mix when marbling. #olipart #markmaking @oli_primary @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI @EarlyExcellence @sil_eyfs

In @oli_nursery we value all marks children make before they begin to write. From the smallest mark to their recognisable pictures. #olipenglish #markmaking #olipart #olippshe @EarlyExcellence @sil_eyfs #marvellousme @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

@oli_nursery have enjoyed learning about themselves and are making self-portraits to celebrate their individuality @DeputyOLI @csergeant3 @oli_primary #olippshe #olipart

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Art Chatter

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Nursery self portraits

@oli_nursery have enjoyed learning about themselves and are making self-portraits to celebrate their individuality @DeputyOLI @csergeant3 @oli_primary #olippshe #olipart

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Childrens first marks

In @oli_nursery we value all marks children make before they begin to write. From the smallest mark to their recognisable pictures. #olipenglish #markmaking #olipart #olippshe @EarlyExcellence @sil_eyfs #marvellousme @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

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Learning skills ‘marbling’

We enjoyed the physical and art skill of ‘marbling’ with large marbles. @oli_nursery loved noticing the marks they could make and colours they could mix when marbling. #olipart #markmaking @oli_primary @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI @EarlyExcellence @sil_eyfs

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Key person time nursery

We have taken a real interest in our display about ourselves and our families. @oli_nursery have been drawing representations of each member in their family as part of Key Person Time. #olippshe #olipre #olipart @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

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Drawing family members in nursery

After introducing our new text, You Choose, we discussed our family members and some of us drew pictures of them. #olipreading #olipart @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI

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PSHE – ‘me and my family’

@oli_nursery enjoyed making themselves to finish our learning on ‘me and my family’. We look forward to next week’s page of ‘You Choose’. @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI #olippshe #olipart #olipreading
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Some fantastic illustrations from our favourite stories

Some fantastic illustrations from our favourite stories, we have some budding artists in Year 1! @csergeant3 @DeputyOLI #olipart

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Art- Andy Goldsworthy in Year 2

We have really enjoyed finding out about Andy Goldsworthy and how he creates Transient Art. He uses the natural environment to create art and we have done the same!

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Getting creative!

The children enjoyed exploring different materials and the different ways they could use them in the creative area.

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Hugh Baird – STEAM Expo

Our Year 3 and Year 6 were invited to Hugh Baird college to take part in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths) Expo 2024. What a fantastic time they had!

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