Chaplaincy Group 2023-24

Chaplaincy Group 2023-2024


We are all here to help!




Inclusion Quality Mark (I.Q.M.) outcome 8th April 2024

Following an I.Q.M. assessment in March, we have been awarded the Inclusive School Award with Centre of Excellence status.

This is a fantastic achievement!


Thank you to all who helped in gaining this award, especially our pupil voice! You can find out more information on our Latest News Page,


Holy Week 2024

This week The Chaplaincy Group and Faith in Action have helped to plan and deliver our whole school Holy Week Celebrations.

Thank you!




Faith In Action March 2024

Thank you to our Faith In Action Group, who prepared and delivered a Lent Assembly today for Years 3 & 4. They told the story of the Widow’s mite, From Mark’s Gospel.

They have been preparing this assembly with Mrs. Shepherd during their Faith In Action Time.



Jesus spoke in praise of the poor widow.

We learn that in our good works everything depends upon the intention. The widow had given more than all the rich; for she parted with her whole fortune.

Lesson of the widow's mite - Wikipedia


Tomorrow we are doing our Big Lent Walk!


Look out for our photographs!



Dear Jesus

Help us to notice when other people need help

and do what we can, even if WE think it is not much, to help them.

We know we can make life better for others even with the smallest gift.

Today, let us start with smiles and kind words.

Tomorrow we will add our BIG WALK.

Maybe, we cannot change the world

But we can change SOMEONE’S world.



IQM – Inclusion Quality Mark Spring 2024

We are applying for the Inclusion Quality Mark this term. Thank you to The School Council and The Chaplaincy Group, who have been working on the Inclusion document too!

“An inclusive school gives all pupils regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, achievements or background the equal opportunities to succeed.” IQM Award


Element 1 Inclusion Values

Element 2 Leadership, Management and Accountability

Element 3 Curriculum

Element 4 Teaching And Learning

Element 5: Assessment

Element 6 Behaviour, Attitiides to Learning and Personal Development

Element 7 Parents, Carers and Guardians

Element 8 Links with Local, Wider and Global Community



Pupil Voice:

Pupil Voice – Element 1: Inclusion Values

We include everyone in our school, every race, religion or ability. 

The teachers encourage us to do our very best and celebrate with us our achievements and successes. 

Our school is a fun place to be, where we feel safe, well educated and encouraged to do our best. 

We are happy! 

“Respect ourselves, others and our school.” 


Pupil Voice – Element 2: Leadership, Management and Accountability

In our school, the teachers expect us to do our very best. 

 They encourage, support and challenge us. 

We are always supported by our teachers and our friends in school; especially when we ask for help. 

“We do our best and never give up!” 


Pupil Voice – Element 3: Curriculum

 We are a Catholic School and have children of different religions and cultures learning alongside us.  

It is fun to learn from one another. 

In our school we learn lots of different subjects and are encouraged to  

read at home every night. 

We enjoy investigating in Science and learning fun facts in Geography and History.  

In Year 4 we learn to play a string instrument and in Year 6 we can learn how to play the Ukulele. 

” Work hard at everything we do.”


Pupil Voice – Element 4: Teaching and Learning

We have a good attitude to learning because our lessons are interesting and fun. When we need help the teachers are there to support and encourage us.  

We help eachother and work well as a team. 

When we need help, it is there for us.  

We enjoy our playtimes and quiet times for prayer and reflection in The Oratory. 

We show we care by listening to eachother.” 


Pupil Voice – Element 5: Assessment

In our lessons, we are given verbal feedback, stickers and recognition through Star of the Week certificates. 

The teachers always tell us how well we are doing in our work. 

We enjoy going on trips out and going on residentials at PGL and Colomendy.  

This year we are going to Robin Wood. 

“ Recognise achievement and celebrate success.” 


Pupil Voice – Element 6: Behaviour, Attitiides to Learning and Personal Development

In our school, we are all expected to have excellent attendance and punctuality.

Our teachers expect good behaviour for learning at all times, so we can be challenged, and pushed to achieve our potential.

Everyone can access clubs in our school e.g. reading, multi sports and maths and board game club…and we enjoy representing our school in competitions.

At Our Lady Immaculate, we become resilient learners – we never give up! We try and try again until we get there!

“Recognise achievement and do our best.”


Pupil Voice – Element 7: Parents, Carers and Guardians

Parents like coming to our school. This year they have been invited for Christmas performances, e-safety week, Mother’s day, parent’s evening…Our parents like to meet our teachers and see what we are learning and celebrate our achievements. They also like to meet other parents and some have joined our toddler group. 

We have a translation button on our website so that parents who speak different languages can access our website. 

Our school website and parent app, tells parents what they need to know. 

“Show we care by listening to each other.” 


Pupil Voice – Element 8: Links with Local, Wider and Global Community

We like being part of our school community. We often go to Everton Nature garden and complete environmental projects. 

We fundraise for local charities e.g. White Chapel Project, Micah and national charities such as CAFOD and Children in Need, throughout the year. 

We enjoyed Mother Language Day parents and pupils came to our classes and spoke about their culture; and some brought home made food for us to try e.g. Thai Noodles and Portuguese bread!  We found out about different countries and the different languages spoken in our school which we would not have known about before. 

“Respect ourselves, others and our school.”




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