Below you will find some examples of the learning the children experience during our day to day curriculum (my life curriculum scheme), themed weeks and charity events.
Here’s some examples of our curriculum from our youngest children in Nursery to the eldest in Year Six.
Key stage One
Lower Key Stage Two
Upper Key Stage Two
Children’s Mental Health Week
Other examples of our PSHE curriculum and experiences across the school:
We have a new focus during our annual anti-bullying week each year, such as: acts of random kindness, equal opportunities and children’s rights. Year 6 children are involved in a workshop called GANGs (Get Away N Get Safe) focusing on how to say no to gang culture and the consequences of gang culture.
If you would like any more information on how to develop positive mental health please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff who can point into the right direction. The following websites are also very useful.