Parental and Community Involvement

Open Day for Adult Learning Services

Adult Learning Services Open days 2024

Asda awards us a Two Hundred Pounds Donation.

Today Asda presented us with a donation 200 pounds to be used in our Nurture Room. We were delighted to accept the cheque from Asda and thank all the Asda customers that supported us. Asda aim to transform communities, improving lives now and in the future. As a charitable corporate foundation , Asda give independent grants and support locally relevant projects throughout the UK.



Intergenerational Cafe. LFC Foundation.

LFC Foundation, the club’s official charity, is supporting a new project aimed at bringing together older and younger people across the city.

Working alongside Liverpool John Moores University, and with contributions from Our Lady Immaculate Primary School, Riverside Housing, Museum of Liverpool and Tate Liverpool, the Legacy Café initiative connects local senior citizens with new friends as young as four years old.

The six-week programme incorporates a wide range of activities including arts and crafts, healthy cooking, physical exercise, football sing-a-longs and trips to museums around Liverpool.

David McParland, LFC Foundation project lead, said: “Community structures and family patterns are changing, and statistics indicate that older and younger people are becoming increasingly disconnected.

Anfield Community Bakery

Today I had the pleasure of visiting Anfield Community Bakery. Homebaked is a community land trust and co-operative bakery situated on the boundary between the neighbourhoods of Everton and Anfield, just opposite the Liverpool Football Club. The project is co-owned and co-produced by people who live and work in our area. Starting from having saved our iconic neighbourhood bakery from demolition and developed it into a thriving community-run business with a beautiful apartment above we are proposing to regenerate our high street ‘brick by brick and loaf by loaf’, using money that is spent in the neighbourhood to benefit our communities. We talker about how we could become partners in learning and have many exciting ideas of how we can support each other in the community! So keep reading and look out for some engaging projects coming up soon!   

Building A Bridge to Books

Building a Bridge of Books is a creative project which aims to strengthen the links between home and setting by engaging and involving parents in making and using books with their children. The project supports a practitioner to lead four half day sessions for identified children and their families and includes a separate artist-led workshop.

Embedded within the project are ideas and activities that will encourage the love and development of early reading skills, including speaking and listening. What’s more, through the opportunity to make books together with parents/carers and children will also empower parents/carers to learn how to develop, not only children’s early reading and literacy skills but many other aspects of the EYFS.

This project aims to encourage us as a school to have active partnerships with parents/carers by providing our parent/carer community with the opportunity to deepen dialogue with our school about their children’s learning and how they can help at home. Strengthening relationships through a fun and interactive project such as this is of particular importance when engaging families, in order that they feel valued and included.


Merseyside Police come to visit our nursery

Our nursery children needed help to solve a crime today – so they asked the local police to come and help them!


Wildflower Sowing at Everton Park

Some children from across Key Stage 1 and 2 had a fantastic morning at Everton Park sowing wildflower seeds to help transform the area. Each child was given a bag of seed to disperse. Richard, who works for the wildflower project, told us how the seeds will develop over the next few months. We can’t wait to visit them when they bloom!

13th December 2016

Glee club had a fantastic visit to Anfield Stadium to spread some Christmas cheer.

Blue Run for Joseph Lappin – Everton Park – 14th October 2016

It was great to see so many pupils and families turn our for the annual Blue Run for Joseph Lappin in Everton Park. Our very own Ruben McNeil was the winner of the boys under 12 category with Poppy Spellman’s dad, Peter, winning the male over 18 category.

If you have any pictures you would be happy for the school to share on our website and social media, please email them to for the attention of Mr Garth.

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Family Taster Event with Beat the Street

See the poster below for a family event taking place at North Liverpool Academy during half-term. This is a free event, open to everyone, and is an opportunity for those attending to try different activities and sports and be entered into a prize draw. There is also a prize draw for anyone presenting their Beat the Street card or fob!


Macmillan Afternoon Tea

Well what an amazing turn out we had for our Macmillan Afternoon Tea, We managed to raise just over £400 for such a worthy cause. Thank you to the community of supporters for being so generous.



On this page, we will be sharing all of the work which we do with our parents and community partners.

Thank you to all the parents who filled out questionnaires around coming to school events. The feedback received is very positive and we are looking to gain feedback about what parents and families would like to come into school for, so please feel free to speak to Mr. Garth about any ideas you have. Furthermore, if you know of any local opportunities which the school could link with, then please get in touch!

Parents Meetings

Thank you to all of the parents who have attended the EYFS parents meetings so far. We have had a great turn out and hope that can be replicated at other year group meetings this half term.

Year 5 parents are invited to the hall on Monday 3rd October 2016, from 3:30pm, with Year 6 parents on Wednesday 5th October at the same time. These are important meetings to share with parents the expectations around testing, homework, presentation and much more. Please speak to your child’s class teacher if you cannot attend and would like to be passed the information.

Key Stage One Family Fridays! September 2016

It has been great to see so many parents and families show their support for our ‘Family Fridays’ in KS1 so far this term. We hope you have enjoyed being a part of your child’s learning during these sessions.

Year 2 Fathers Day Football Match – 17th June 2016

We would like to thank all dads and everybody else who attended the football match. The children really enjoyed this experience and quality time with yourselves and they thoroughly enjoyed beating you!

We hope that you all have a fabulous day on Sunday, whatever you may be doing.


More pictures from the match are on the Key Stage One Summer 2016 page so please take a look!

Year 3 visit to Nature Trail and Allotment – Breckfield Centre – 26th April 2016

Miss Gallagher’s class had a wonderful visit to the Nature Trail and Allotment at the Breckfield Centre, organised by Regenda Homes. The community wellbeing apprentices made the pupils and staff feel extremely welcome and planned a nature trail quiz for our pupils. This was a great link to their current topic of Plants in Science.

The children also got to take a pot plant home to look after. Mrs Burns’ class are visiting this Friday, with Miss Boughey’s class the week after.

Thank you to all the staff at Regenda Homes for making us feel so welcome every time we visit – the children loved it!

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Local Police Visit – Year 5 – Tuesday 12th April 2016

Year 5 were visited by our local police officers yesterday to talk about gangs and how to keep safe from anti-social behaviour. The police officers are currently doing lots of work in school with our children and will be continuing building relationships with pupils through e-safety and road safety talks in the summer term.

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Grow Wild Project – Everton Park – Monday 11th April 2016

Yesterday, children in Year 3 had the chance to sow wildflower seeds in Everton Park, as part of the Grow Wild project. This was extremely successful last year and the wildflowers made our local park look beautiful! Richard from the wildflower centre explained how to sow the seeds and as Year 3 have been looking at plants in science, they were able to explain how the seeds will eventually grow into beautiful flowers. The children are excited about visiting the flowers in the coming months to look at how the seeds change and develop.

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Regenda Homes Allotment and Nature Trail launch – 9th March 2016

Mr. Cotton’s Year 5 class were kindly invited to the the launch of a new allotment and nature trail in our community. Ex-pupil, Kevin Short, is the project manager at Regenda Homes who have created the nature trail for schools and community members to use and enjoy.

Our pupils extremely enjoyed looking around the nature trail and being a part of the launch. Kevin has invited all our other pupils to the nature trail, to take part in competitions about the trail, where the children can win prizes. Teachers will be looking to organise dates for their classes to go to the allotment and nature trail over the next term.

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Clean Sweep Project – 17th March 2016

Some children in Year 5 and 6 took part in a litter sweep in the community as part of the clean sweep project with the local police. As a reward, the children got a match ticket for Everton vs. West Ham United last week.


EYFS ‘Stay and Play’ – 9th March 2016

Our Stay and Play focus for this month was RE – Growing. During lent children across EYFS talked about and recognised how to grow more like Jesus by sharing, being kind, listening to others, being helpful and forgiving others when they have done wrong.

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Fun Run in Everton Park – 12th February 2016

An amazing day! Fantastic effort from all the pupils and superb support from parents and families!

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Community Police Officers visit Early Years – 5th February 2016

Last week, the community police officers came to visit foundation stage, before their visit we talked about how people help in the community and the role of the emergency services in keeping us safe.
Reception generated and wrote questions to ask the police and nursery found out some very important information in case of an emergency!
The police officers were very kind and they even let us try on their uniforms, we found out that they wore them so we could recognise them in the street or a busy place. The most exciting thing of all was being able to drive the police van, we sounded the alarm and some of us got locked in the back!
Since the visit we have created adventures and rescue missions using paw patrol characters as our stimulus, the children have loved role playing reading and writing about the police, fire service and ambulance paramedics. Nursery also made cards to say thank you! Thank you for your visit!

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Community Police Officers visit Year 1 – Thursday 28th January 2016

Today we had a lovely visit from our Community Support Officers. We learnt all about the work they do in the community and how they are special people who look after us when we need help. We prepared and asked questions about why they became Community Support Officers.

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