Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School

Health, Safety & Welfare Policy
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022 2

Record of Revisions

Issue Nº: Date: Summary of Amendments Made:


Revised Statement.
Inclusion of Elected Members responsibilities.

Policy revised to reflect the LCC corporate Health
and Safety Policy, with amendments made
throughout all sections.
LCC Chief Executive statement of intent revised.

LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022 3


1.0 Liverpool City Council Statement of Intent
Chief Executive commitment statement 5

2.0 Organisation and responsibilities for implementation
2.1 Elected Members and Cabinet Members 7
2.2 Chief Executive 7
2.3 Deputy Chief Executive, Strategic Directors, Directors
Director for Children and Young People’s Services 8
2.4 Governing Body 9
2.5 Head Teacher 10
2.6 Deputy Head Teacher and Heads of Curriculum 11
2.7 Staff 12
2.8 Persons responsible for premises management 13
2.9 PFI Schools 14
2.10 Hirers 14

3.0 Arrangements for the implementation of the Policy
3.1 Health, safety and welfare advice and support 16
3.1.1 Health and Safety Unit 16
3.1.2 Occupational Health 17
3.1.3 Wellbeing 17
3.2 Consultation 18
3.2.1 Corporate Health and Safety Committee 18
3.2.2 Trade Union Health and Safety Representatives 19
3.3 Provision of information, instruction & training 19
3.4 Control of non-employees 20
3.5 Supporting documentation 20
3.6 Review 21
4.0 Appendix
Guidance for adapting this Policy
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022
1.0 Liverpool City Council Statement of Intent
Our commitment:
Liverpool City Council is committed to its responsibility for health, safety
and welfare under The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, which
imposes a statutory duty on employers to ensure, so far as is reasonably
practicable, the health and safety of their employees whilst at work. This
duty also extends to others who may be affected by its undertakings.
The co-operation all employees, visitors, contractors and members of the
public is vital to the success of the policy.
The city council recognises that successful management of health, safety
and welfare aligns with improving the overall organisation culture and
performance, whilst also directly supporting the objectives of the visions,
aims and values.
This policy sits alongside and supports all other council policies,
arrangements and procedures.
The council is committed to the effective implementation of this policy by:
• continuously improving a health and safety management framework
that clearly defines the council’s health and safety requirements,
and identifies those responsible for implementation of those
• accepting that health, safety and welfare is an essential
management responsibility
• providing competent support to managers at all levels, to improve
and maintain a consistently high standard of health and safety
management in their area of responsibility
• providing adequate resources, through staffing, time and finance
• recognising that the prevention of accidents, incidents and work
related ill-health requires effective management and leadership
• effective and ongoing monitoring of health and safety performance
through audit, inspection and statistical review, with the aim of
continuous improvement
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022
• ensuring all employees meet their legal responsibilities at work,
including management of their own health, safety and wellbeing,
through all level involvement and co-operation
• ensuring staff take responsibility for their own health and safety, and
that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions
• provision of effective information, instruction, training and
• proactively promoting and encouraging work-life balance and staff
• consulting with staff on matters affecting their health, safety and
welfare at work via trade unions, appointed safety representatives,
employee representatives and health and safety committees
• ensuring co-operation with our partners, suppliers and contractors,
in order that they assist with our aim of pursuing continuous
improvement towards the prevention of injury and ill health
The policy will be formally communicated to all levels within the
organisation and applicable external responsibilities, including partners,
suppliers and contractors, as required. All positions of managerial
responsibility are accountable for ensuring that the policy and all
supporting policies and procedures are implemented within their area of
The policy will be reviewed periodically or following significant change
within the organisation, and revised, as required.
For and on behalf of Liverpool City Council
Tony Reeves
Tony Reeves
Chief Executive
Date: 23.05.2022
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022
2.0 Organisation and responsibilities for implementation
This section defines the health and safety roles, responsibilities and
expected competencies of all levels within Liverpool City Council and
directly associated to the school.
2.1 Elected Members and Cabinet Members
Members fully support the council’s approach to managing health and
safety as outlined below:
• Members are responsible for ensuring they fully consider all relevant
health, safety and welfare implications of any report, paper or plans
presented for their deliberation.
• Due consideration is given to any potential adverse effects on the
health, safety or welfare of staff and any other persons who might
be affected.
• It is the responsibility of the person presenting such reports, papers
or plans to highlight potential health, safety or welfare implications to
• The health and safety implications of council budget decisions and
target setting must be a fundamental part of members decision
making process.
2.2 Chief Executive
The Chief Executive has overall responsibility within the management
structure for ensuring the implementation of the council’s health, safety
and welfare policy and ensuring compliance with all current health and
safety legislation. These responsibilities and statutory obligations are met
• Ensuring the appointment of competent persons to assist in the
management of health, safety and welfare.
• Providing such resources as are required to effectively manage
health, safety and welfare.
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022
• Actively promoting good health and safety practice through
demonstrating awareness, knowledge and having a proactive
approach to the management of all relevant health, safety and
welfare issues.
• Ensuring they remain competent to undertake the health and safety
responsibilities of the role, by attending relevant training.
• Determining the senior management team health and safety
strategic aims for the council.
• Setting the safety culture of the council.
2.3 Deputy Chief Executive, Strategic Directors, Directors,
Director for Children and Young People’s Services
Each position at this level is responsible for the health, safety and welfare
of all staff within their area of control. They are accountable to the Chief
Executive for the effective communication, and full implementation, of the
council’s health, safety and welfare policy within their areas of
responsibility, ensuring that:
• Those they appoint to manage and assist are competent in all
relevant health, safety and welfare issues.
• Their management teams effectively disseminate the council’s
health, safety and welfare policy and all other associated
information, as required.
• They seek guidance and advice from competent persons to ensure
compliance with this policy.
• Adequate resources are available to effectively manage health and
• Suitable and sufficient regard is paid to health, safety and welfare
considerations in all contracts entered into by the council.
• The safety culture is maintained through active involvement and
promotion of good health and safety practices.
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022
• There is co-operation with all other areas of the council and that
adequate arrangements are in place for consultation with staff and
their representatives, including trade union safety representatives.
• Arrangements are in place to measure, monitor and review health,
safety and welfare performance.
• They remain competent to undertake their health and safety
responsibilities by attending all relevant training.
2.4 Governing Body
The Governing Body is responsible for the effective planning, directing,
monitoring and reviewing of all health, safety and welfare matters within
the school. In the discharge of its duty and in consultation with the Head
Teacher, it will make itself familiar with the requirements with all
applicable health and safety legislation and any other codes of practice or
guidance that are relevant to the running of the school. The Governing
Body will ensure:
• That suitable resources are allocated to allow the effective
implementation of this policy.
• That adequate regard is paid to health, safety and welfare
considerations in all contracts entered into by the school.
• Those they appoint to manage and/or assist are competent in all
relevant health, safety and welfare issues.
• Adequate legal consideration to risk is taken during the procurement
of work equipment and substances.
• The safety culture is maintained through active involvement and
promotion of good health and safety practices.
• Arrangements are in place to measure, monitor and review health,
safety and welfare performance.
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022
2.5 Head Teacher
The Head Teacher is responsible to the Local Education Authority and the
school Governors for all matters concerning the health, safety and welfare
of all within the school premises and related activities, including staff,
students, visitors and contractors. They are responsible for the
implementation of policy objectives.
Assistance in this role is provided by the school senior management team
and all positions with specific health and safety responsibilities. The Head
Teacher, assisted by the senior management team, is required to:
• Ensure that they understand the health, safety and welfare
legislation relevant to the work activities.
• Ensure there are adequate arrangements in place for implementing
school specific health, safety and welfare procedures and that they
are effectively managed.
• Ensure their management teams take full account of health, safety
and welfare issues when planning, developing or introducing new
work methods, systems, equipment or materials and consult on
these matters with staff and their representatives.
• Seek guidance and advice from competent persons to ensure
compliance with relevant health and safety legislation.
• Ensure risk assessments are undertaken that implement suitable
and sufficient controls, to manage all activity hazards through
reasonably practicable measures.
• Ensure adequate resources are available to effectively implement
health, safety and welfare practices.
• Ensure all staff receive adequate information, instruction, training
and supervision to enable them to undertake their roles.
• Maintain the safety culture through active involvement and
promotion of good health and safety practices.
• Ensure all relevant health, safety and welfare issues are
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022
• Ensure their management teams co-operate with relevant council
services on health, safety and welfare issues.
• Demonstrate a commitment to health, safety and welfare, holding
managers under their responsibility accountable for their safety
2.6 Deputy Head Teacher and Heads of Curriculum
The Deputy Head Teacher and Heads of Curriculum are responsible for
supporting the Head Teacher in their health, safety and welfare duty of
care to all staff, students, visitors and contractors within their control. They
are responsible for effectively managing the curriculum, in accordance
with LEA guidance and the School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy, and
for implementing all associated school procedures. Management of the
premises and activities, using reasonably practicable controls, will be
carried out through measures including:
• Communicating and ensuring compliance with health and safety
controls and procedures for team activities under their control.
• Ensuring all staff are adequately informed, instructed, trained and
• Informing staff of the requirement to report any issues, concerns or
shortfalls regarding work activity controls in place.
• Ensuring risk assessments are carried out to effectively manage all
foreseeable workplace and activity hazards under their control.
• Ensuring risk assessments are periodically monitored and reviewed.
• Carrying out health and safety inspections, as required and to an
extent reflective of the work activity hazards of the team.
• Ensuring all equipment, materials and substances, supplied for use
at work, are suitable for the intended purpose and are appropriately
stored and maintained.
• Ensuring all staff are fully aware of relevant emergency procedures.
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022
• Ensuring all accidents, violent incidents, ill-health, near misses and
unsafe conditions are recorded, reported and investigated.
• There is suitable and sufficient first aid provision within each
• Active involvement and promotion of good health and safety
practices, to maintain the safety culture.
• Co-operating with safety representatives in carrying out their
• Attending relevant health and safety training to ensure they remain
competent to fulfil the responsibilities of their role.
• Ensuring suitable and sufficient risk assessments are in place for
staff with an extended duty of care.
2.7 Staff
All staff are expected to co-operate in the implementation of this policy by
acting with due regard for their own health, safety and welfare and that of
others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. This will be
achieved by:
• Co-operating with line managers, enabling them to carry out their
legal responsibilities under relevant health and safety legislation.
• Reporting hazards and any shortcomings to their line manager.
• Working in accordance with any health and safety information,
instruction or training provided.
• Not intentionally interfering with anything provided in the interests of
health, safety and welfare.
• Active involvement and promotion of good health and safety
practices, to maintain the safety culture.
• Disclosing, to an appropriate position, details of any known medical
condition or other reason that makes them incapable, unfit for, or
puts them at risk from any work activity.
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022
2.8 Persons responsible for premises management
The persons responsible for premises may be held by an individual role or
through shared responsibility, including the Head Teacher, Site Manager,
Business Manager or Caretaker. This person(s) is responsible and
accountable to their Governing Body for co-ordinating the health, safety
and welfare arrangements within the buildings and grounds. The
responsibility for work activities and practices of staff within the premises
is held with relevant line management.
Persons responsible for premises management will ensure that:
• Buildings and grounds risk assessments are carried out and all
controls in place are suitable and sufficient, considering reasonably
practicable measures.
• There are co-ordinated and scheduled building inspections, to
ensure that building structures and equipment are safe and
adequately maintained.
• Access and egress through premises are unobstructed and without
• Records of all statutory testing and inspections are maintained.
• Adequate security measures are in place.
• Fire risk assessments are undertaken, and all measures of fire
protection and prevention are adequately maintained and tested.
• Emergency procedures are in place, practiced and records
• Premises risk assessments are undertaken and all hazards
sufficiently managed, including asbestos, legionella, electricity, gas,
passenger and goods lifts and powered doors, gates and barriers.
• Contractors are appropriately selected and monitored with regard to
their health and safety performance. All relevant building related risk
assessments and information is shared with contractors, where
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022
• Health, safety and welfare information relating to the school
premises is made readily accessible to all with relevant authority,
upon request, including safety representatives.
2.9 PFI Schools
For PFI schools all responsibilities detailed within 2.9 Person(s)
responsible for premises management are the responsibility of the
relevant PFI provider. Head Teachers will regularly liaise with the
appointed school PFI contract manager to ensure that all the building
related issues are suitably and sufficiently managed. Direct access to PFI
building managers and all associated required positions of competence
must be provided.
2.10 Hirers
When the premises are used for purposes not under the direction of the
Head Teacher then the person in control of the activities, for which the
premises are being used, will have responsibility for the health and safety
of all practices carried out.
The full extent of access permitted to hirers within the building and
grounds will be clearly determined.
All relevant building related risk assessments and associated information
is shared with hirers, where appropriate, including emergency procedures.
The Head Teacher or school appointed co-ordinating position for
premises hiring will seek to ensure that all hirers using the buildings or
grounds conduct themselves, and carry out their activities, in a manner
that all statutory and advisory safety requirements are met at all times.
The Head Teacher or hiring activity co-ordinator will ensure that hirers of
the school premises provide written confirmation of public liability
insurance. This cover will be provided prior to any hiring activity use.
Suitable school liability insurance will be in place when the school
premises or facilities are being used outside of normal working hours but
for school sponsored or run activities. The organiser of any non-school
sponsored or run activities, even if a school or council employee, for the
purposes of this policy will be treated as a hirer.
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022
Advice on levels of liability insurance cover required will be obtained from
the appropriate insurance cover provider and/or LCC Insurance Manager.
All hirers using the school premises or facilities must be familiar with the
School Health and Safety Policy, all associated procedures, and comply
with all specific safety instructions provided for the school or city council.
Note for all managerial positions with health and safety responsibility:
All management levels with responsibilities outlined within this policy or
related procedures must make certain that effective arrangements are in
place to ensure these functions are maintained in their absence.
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022
3.0 Arrangements for implementation of the policy
Management positions at all levels must ensure that all controls within
their responsibility, including risk assessments, safe working procedures,
emergency procedures, inspections and testing, are carried out and
reviewed periodically, as detailed within the Health and Safety Unit’s
guidance notes, which are available via the intranet.
3.1 Health, safety and welfare advice and support
3.1.1 Health and Safety Unit
The Health and Safety Unit offers advisory services, guidance and
support across all service areas and is committed to improving health and
safety standards across the council. The unit is responsible for:
• Providing advice and guidance on health, safety and welfare to all
levels, including informing of applicable changes in legislation and
best practice, as part of a pro-active approach to health and safety
• Undertaking regular pro-active and reactive health and safety
performance monitoring, including auditing and incident statistical
• Reporting to the senior management team and elected members on
health and safety performance.
• Producing and periodically reviewing, and revising as required, all
corporate health and safety policies, guidance notes, model
procedures, model risk assessments, inspection sheets and
• Advising on and promoting compliance with health and safety
legislation and associated codes of practice.
• Maintaining good working relationships with all management levels
and staff representatives, to facilitate the effective management of
health and safety throughout the council.
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022
• Carrying out appropriate investigations for all reported significant
accidents, violent incidents, near misses and dangerous
• Liaising and consulting with trade union safety representatives and
other staff representatives, as required.
• Providing advice and support to corporate health and safety groups,
including JTUC and the health and safety committee.
• Providing liaising representation with external enforcing authorities,
as required, including the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
3.1.2 Occupational Health
Occupational Health is responsible for assessing the relationship between
health and work and advising on the impact of health issues in relation to
an employee’s ability to undertake their role. They provide:
• New employee assessments.
• Health surveillance and screening.
• Advice and guidance on work-related health matters.
• Support in managing sickness absence through medical
assessments and advice on rehabilitation and return to work
3.1.3 Wellbeing
The LCC corporate wellbeing lead is responsible for the continuous
development of support offered to staff relating to mental and physical
health. Provisions include:
• Initiatives to support mental health, including supervision of the
organisation’s mental health & wellbeing champions and providing
counselling services via an employee assistance programme.
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022
• Exploring new and innovative ways to support staff wellbeing, with
emphasis on utilising internal resource and expertise.
3.2 Consultation
The school will fulfil its responsibilities to consult with staff, trade unions
and other staff representatives, on all relevant aspects of health, safety
and welfare. Safety representatives appointed by recognised trade unions
will be granted the necessary resources to carry out their functions as set
out in the Safety Representatives and Safety Committee Regulations
1977, as amended by the Management of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations 1999.
3.2.1 Corporate Health and Safety Committee
The LCC corporate health and safety committee provides a forum for
consultation with staff representatives on health, safety and welfare
issues that have corporate significance.
The purpose of the committee is to:
• Monitor and review all measures in place to ensure the health,
safety and welfare of staff at work.
• Promote staff and employer relations and co-operation for the
improvement of health, safety and welfare standards.
• Act as a forum for consultation and the exchange of information for
strategic health, safety and welfare issues.
• Consider any significant findings following safety representative
inspections and investigations.
• Consider and review relevant statistical information.
• Assist in the development of the organisation’s health, safety and
welfare policies, procedures and guidance.
• Support all level information, instruction, training and supervision.
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022
• Promote a risk assessment approach to managing health, safety
and welfare.
3.2.2 Trade Union Health and Safety Representatives
Trade union health and safety representatives have functions that include:
• Representing their members in consultation with management on
matters affecting the health, safety and welfare of those they
• Requesting appropriate information from the relevant services within
the council to assist in maintaining a safe working environment for
all staff.
• Investigating workplace hazards and welfare issues.
• Carrying out workplace inspections.
• Involvement in accident and incident investigations.
• Representing their members in consultation with external
authorities, as required, including HSE Inspectors.
3.3 Provision of information, instruction and training
The school will provide information, instruction and training, as required,
to sufficiently manage all significant workplace and work activity risks. The
form and content of these provisions will be proportionate to the level of
risk and periodically reviewed, considering changes in legislation, best
practice and guidance from relevant external bodies.
All employees will be provided with appropriate health and safety
information, instruction and training during their employment, including:
• On appointment.
• Before being required to carry out new or unfamiliar tasks.
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022
• Periodically to ensure sufficient skills, knowledge and competence
are maintained.
3.4 Control of non-employees
The standards set out for health, safety and welfare by this policy are also
the minimum required for all third parties entering into contract,
partnership, procurement, letting work or services with the city council or
All non-employees undertaking work for the school, including contractors,
consultants and volunteers, will be subject to a suitable selection process,
ensuring adequate competence to undertake all aspects of health, safety
and welfare within their responsibility.
All contractors will be required to provide the school with adequate
information and appropriate documentation regarding the risks to health,
safety and welfare arising out of their work. This requirement will be prior
to any works commencing. The school will also ensure that any non
employee working on their premises are provided with appropriate
instruction and/or information regarding all known risks associated with
the work they are undertaking.
Procedures for regular monitoring will be in place to ensure all required
standards are implemented and maintained.
3.5 Supporting Documentation
This policy is extended by a series of Health and Safety Unit corporate
supporting documentation, including additional policies, guidance notes,
risk assessments, school model risk assessments, procedures, checklists
and inspections.
All guidance is accessible via the Council Intranet and School
Improvement Liverpool web site, produced to support all within a
managerial role in effectively carrying out all roles within their assigned
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022
3.6 Review
The health, safety and welfare policy statement, organisation
responsibilities and arrangements for its implementation will be
periodically reviewed and revised, when necessary, by the Health and
Safety Unit.
All levels within the organisation will be informed of this policy and made
aware of how to access it via the Council Intranet or School Improvement
Liverpool web site. Failure to comply with its content may be regarded as
a disciplinary matter and lead to appropriate actions.
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022
4.0 Appendix
4.1 Guidance for adapting this Policy
The Health and Safety Unit advises that the School Health, Safety and
Welfare Policy is formally adapted, to reflect the school’s specific
commitment, organisation and arrangements for managing health and
safety, by carrying out the following actions:
1. Produce a school specific Statement of Intent, with a commitment
statement signed by the Head Teacher. This statement should be
reflective of and compliment the Liverpool City Council Statement of
Intent Chief Executive signed commitment statement.
As a result, community schools should then have two signed policy
statements of intent. Non-community schools may choose to
remove the LCC corporate statement.
Note: the Liverpool City Council Chief Executive signed and dated
commitment statement must not be altered.
2. Ensure the organisation and responsibilities for implementation are
reflective of those in place for the school. Adaptations can be made
throughout this section, including deleting all non-applicable
information and/or adding further role responsibilities or detailing
additional titled positions, as required.
3. Adapt the arrangements for the implementation of the policy, to
reflect all that are in place for the school. All non-applicable LCC
corporate arrangements can be deleted, and any additional school
specific arrangements can be added, as required.
4. The school should review this policy annually and revise, as
required, to reflect any changes of organisation and/or
LCC School Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Issue 02 2022