Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School

Approved by the Governing Body: Autumn Term 2021
Date of next review: Autumn 2023
Policy formation and consultation
This is a working policy and the consultation process consists of the Head teacher, the health and
wellbeing school coordinator and the chair of governors at the school
Our school is a healthy school. It is important that we consider all elements of our work to ensure that
we promote health awareness in all members of the school community. We can provide a valuable
role model to students and their families regarding food and healthy eating patterns.
In our school we actively support healthy eating and drinking throughout the school day.
Through effective leadership, the school ethos and the curriculum, all school staff can bring together
all elements of the school day to create an environment which supports a healthy lifestyle.
Why a healthy eating policy is needed
A healthy diet is one of the best ways of maintaining young people’s health, both now and in the
future. Recent research has shown that diets of some young people are not meeting government
recommendations for optimum growth and development.
Immediate benefits from healthy eating include:
• Preventing dental decay, obesity, and anaemia.
• Improving concentration and behaviour.
• Raising achievement.
Longer term health benefits include:
• Prevention of coronary disease
• Reduced risk of some cancers
• Prevention of osteoporosis (brittle bones)
The School recognises the important connection between a healthy diet and a pupil’s ability to learn
effectively and achieve high standards in school. The school also recognises the role the school can
play, as part of the wider community, to promote family health.
The school aims to:
• Improve the health of students and staff, and their families by helping to influence their eating
habits through increasing their knowledge and awareness of food issues, including what
constitutes a healthy and environmentally sustainable diet, and hygienic food preparation and
storage methods.
• Ensure students are well nourished at school and that every pupil has access to safe, tasty and
nutritious food and a safe, easily available water supply during the school day.
• Present consistent, informed messages about healthy eating within school through all school
• Improve the dental health of students through the inclusion of dental health education within
the planned PSHE programme.
• Ensure that food provision in the school reflects the medical and ethical requirements of
students and staff, for example medical allergenic, religious, ethnic and vegetarian needs.
• Ensure the provision and consumption of food is an enjoyable and safe experience.
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Approved by the Governing Body: Autumn Term 2021
Date of next review: Autumn 2023
• To teach accurate factual information about food and nutrition through topics, as part of the
• The School Kitchen will continuously provide healthy eating menus and food choices.
• Healthy Lifestyles are to be promoted daily through positive role models within the school
• To promote fresh fruit and milk to all students
• To promote the importance of drinking water and allow students access to water in the
• To promote a healthy balanced menu at lunchtime through school and packed lunches.
• Any specific medical/ cultural requirements concerning food and nutrition will be respected
and treated individually.
Food through the School Day
The school governors and Head Teacher has overall responsibility for food within the school
throughout the school day. However, all members of staff within Our Lady Immaculate School work
together to support each other and the students.
We have a lunch provision for the students, our catering team holds all the necessary food handlers
hygiene certification required
At break and dinner time students will be offered water or milk or fruit juice.
School Meal Provision
Our Lady Immaculate School recognises the value a good school lunch can have on our students’
development and our catering providers encourage the students to participate in the Student voice
meetings so their feedback is gauged and valued. We expect the food served at the school to adhere
to the Governments School Food Standards and have impartial audits to monitor the menu and food
Our school meals are provided by our own catering team and offer a healthy, balanced meal. Menus
are offered on a 3-week cycle and a hot meal, vegetarian option, sandwiches and jacket potatoes are
offered daily. There are also regular meals to celebrate special events.
Copies of the menu are on the Food for thought website
Our regular catering hygiene inspections are undertaken by the local authority Environmental health
inspectors and we have received the highest score of 5
Free school meals and funding
Currently the government are providing a lunchtime meal free of charge to all Reception, Yr.1 and Yr.
2 students regardless of their social, economic background. However, when children move to key
stage 2 at Our Lady Immaculate School only those registered for free school meals are entitled, the
school is entitled to additional funding (pupil premium) for all those students registered for a free
school meal, this is an important element of the schools income and supports the education of the
students. The way in which this money is spent can be viewed on the school website
We encourage all those parents who think their child would be entitled, to register for free school
meals to sign up. Our administration staff are available to support all parents in this. Please come to
school where this can be undertaken, alternatively you can log on to the link below and complete the
form online
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Approved by the Governing Body: Autumn Term 2021
Date of next review: Autumn 2023
The governors have heavily subsidised the cost of the school meal and school packed lunch which
currently costs £1.30 per meal. This is to support parents who are required to pay for their child’s
school meal due to current Covid restrictions.
Packed Lunches
All children will access either a school hot dinner or a school packed lunch.
The catering team will work closely with children and families to ensure that we overcome any dietary
issues so that all children are enjoying a healthy school meal of their choice.
Dining Room Environment
There is sufficient seating for all children, some year groups are rotated ensuring not the same
children are last. Duty staff aim is to make sure that children have enough time to eat their lunch and
enjoy their time.
We encourage our students to play an active part in improving the dining hall environment by taking
their ideas to class discussion groups and then involving the whole group in the decisions taken.
Covid 19 controls are in place in the dining room and this includes social distancing between bubbles,
a one-way system and cleansing of tables and chairs between each bubble.
Drinks and Water
The school recognises that hydration plays an important part of development and we encourage
students to drink plain water throughout the school day. A water fountain is located in the dining
room and top up jugs are also available.
Children also have access to cold water throughout the day if necessary. Children can bring water into
school in their own water bottle/flask. This will be returned home each evening for cleaning.
Special diets, allergies, diet related disorders
Parents are asked to inform the school if a pupil suffers from any medical diagnosed allergy,
intolerance or food related conditions, identifying the foods to which s/he reacts and the usual
symptoms of the reaction.
Students with allergies are also identified to kitchen, staff and on the office noticeboards.
All staff members are aware of the school’s medical, and health and safety procedures.
Our catering staff have been trained up to the Food Information Regulations 2014 – Allergen labelling
and are on site to discuss any allergenic ingredients that may be in the dishes/recipes. Please make an
appointment through school to meet our catering manager to discuss allergens or any other medically
diagnosed conditions that affect food consumption
We provide a vegetarian option for students who do not eat meat this is covered through the food
standards and non-dairy protein items are included at least three times each week on the menu
The catering team will work closely with children and families to ensure that we overcome any dietary
issues so that all children are enjoying a healthy school meal of their choice.
Food Information Regulation Allergen Labelling – From 13th December 2014
At Our Lady Immaculate School we provide food throughout the school day for our students/students
staff and visitors.
Our premises are regularly inspected by the Local Environmental Health Officer who uses the Food
Hygiene Rating Scheme to rate the hygiene standards of our school.
The school owns our own catering company, we are supported by Food for Thought Merseyside
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Approved by the Governing Body: Autumn Term 2021
Date of next review: Autumn 2023
Our catering manager is based in the school kitchen between 8.30am and 2.30pm.
Please contact the school office and make an appointment if you would like to discuss any allergen
issues your child may have.
Religious and Ethical Diets
A vegetarian option is available daily, our menus can be viewed upon request. On three days each
week the vegetarian option will be made up of a non-dairy protein option in line with the current
school food standards as set out by the government.
We do not use Halal meat in school due to the limitations on storage, however we always ensure there
is a vegetarian option available, and on 3 days each week this will be non-diary protein based in line
with the school food standards.
We also understand that some families will fast during Ramadan and for those children who are
entitled to a free school meal a packed lunch can be provided to take home and consume after sunset
Please discuss with the class teacher if this is something you would like.
Special occasions and Rewards
Special occasions, such as Christmas, and the end of terms are a time when teachers and students like
to have a class party or treat. Class parties should reflect our ethos on having a balanced diet and
sweet and fatty foods will be given in moderation.
Sweets will not be given in school as rewards for behaviour and good work.
Food Hygiene
Students will be reminded about personal hygiene.
When handling food in lessons both staff and students will have clean hands, long hair tied back and a
clean/hygienic surface to work on.
Learning Opportunities- Curriculum
The School follows a specific Design and Technology scheme of work, which covers all areas of healthy
eating & drinking, food preparation & hygiene and the effects of unhealthy eating & drinking.
As part of their work with food, students should be taught how to cook and apply the principles of
nutrition and healthy eating. Instilling a love of cooking in students will also open a door to one of the
great expressions of human creativity. Learning how to cook is a crucial life skill that enables students
to feed themselves and others affordably and well, now and in later life.
Students should be taught to:
• understand and apply the principles of nutrition and health
• cook a repertoire of predominantly savoury dishes so that they are able to feed themselves
and others a healthy and varied diet
• become competent in a range of cooking techniques [for example, selecting and preparing
ingredients; using utensils and electrical equipment; applying heat in different ways; using
awareness of taste, texture and smell to decide how to season dishes and combine
ingredients; adapting and using their own recipes]
• understand the source, seasonality and characteristics of a broad range of ingredients
Rewards and Celebrations
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Approved by the Governing Body: Autumn Term 2021
Date of next review: Autumn 2023
Under no circumstances will sweets, chocolate, crisps or fizzy drinks be used as a reward for
outstanding work and/or behaviour.
The school allows some less healthy food to be consumed in the event of an annual class Christmas
party and/or end of year class party. This is at the discretion of the staff teacher.
Participation in national and local events and initiatives
Food may be the medium used to celebrate international and local events such as Chinese New Year,
Diwali, great British breakfast, and national scouse
Monitoring and Evaluation
This is a working policy – this draft will go to consultation with the whole school community; including
students, parents, and school staff, catering staff, governors, school nurse and Healthy Schools Officer.
The Healthy Schools Coordinator will develop the policy accordingly.
The designated catering contractor is responsible for ensuring that the quality of food offered is of a
high standard and compliant with legislation.
This policy will be reviewed annually to take account of new developments.
The policy will be accessible to everyone, including students, parents and extended staff, online and by
request of a hard copy.
Teacher’s planning, students’ work, discussion, observation, displays, photographs etc. will form the
basis of evaluation of pupil learning
It is hoped that by adopting a healthy food policy that the school can promote health and wellbeing
while also educating the students to take the practices of the school into their daily lives.
Subsequently this will help them to make informed health decisions for the rest of their life