Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School

Approved by the governing body: Summer 2021
Date of review: Summer 2023
We believe this policy should be a working document that is fit for purpose, represents the school ethos, enables
consistency and quality across the school.
The vast majority of parents, carers and other visitors to the school are supportive of the school, its teachers,
other member of staff, its pupils, their parents and other visitors, and act in a reasonable way, ensuring that
the school is a safe, orderly environment in which pupils can learn. Occasionally, however, a negative attitude
is expressed in an aggressive, verbally abusive or physically abusive way toward these members of the school
community which is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
The school requires its teachers and other members of staff to behave professionally in these difficult
situations, attempting to defuse the situation wherever possible, and to seek the involvement of other
members of staff as appropriate. However, all teachers and members of staff have the right to work without
fear of harassment, violence, intimidation or abuse.
The school expects parents and other visitors to always behave in a reasonable way towards all members of
the school community. This policy outlines the steps that will be taken where the behaviour displayed falls
below the standard the school expects and will not be tolerated.
The types of behaviour which are unacceptable and will not be tolerated are:
• Shouting, either in person or over the telephone;
• Using intimidating language or behaviour;
• Using threatening language or behaviour;
• Using abusive language or behaviour;
• Using insulting language or behaviour;
• Using aggressive or offensive hand gestures;
• Shaking or holding a fist towards another;
• Swearing;
• Pushing, shoving or jostling;
• Hitting, slapping, punching or kicking;
• Spitting;
• Any other behaviour likely to cause anybody witnessing it (including the recipient) alarm, distress or
to fear that violence may be used against them or others.
This is not an exhaustive list, but seeks to provide illustrations of such behaviour.
Parents have “implied permission” to enter and be on the school’s premises for reasons relating to their
child/children’s education. This means that parents are welcome come to the school to drop off and collect
their children, to speak to teachers and other members of staff about their children, or for meetings, parents’
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Approved by the governing body: Summer 2021
Date of review: Summer 2023
evenings and social events. Parent do not have a legal right to enter or be on the school’s premises without
a good reason.
Other visitors also have “implied permission” to enter and be on the school’s premises, if they have a reason,
for example courier or delivery person, or a member of the public attending the school’s office to make
enquiries about something. Members of the public without a good reason for entering or being on the school
premises are trespassing.
The school has the right to withdrawn the “implied permission to enter and be on the school’s premises if
their behaviour while they were previously on the school’s premises was unacceptable. The withdrawal of
the “implied permission” will be effect as soon as the parent or other visitor has been told that they must
leave and are prohibited from returning and will be confirmed in writing by post, if the home address is known.
The full procedure that school will follow is outlined in further detail below.
Once the “implied permission” has been withdrawn, entering the school’s site will be trespass and the school
will ask the police to remove the parent or visitor immediately. If the parent or visitor causes a nuisance or
disturbance while they are one the school’s premises, they may also be prosecuted in the criminal courts
under Section 547 of the Education Act 1996, be liable to pay a fine and have criminal conviction recorded
against them.
Monitoring the Implementation and Effectiveness of the Policy
This policy will be reviewed every 2 years in line with the school policy review process.