Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School

Approved for adoption by the governing body: Autumn 2022
Date of next review 2024
Food Labelling and Use – By Dates
1. All prepared food must be covered, and labelled – dry store, chilled or frozen with particular
emphasis on ‘USE BY’ dates
2. It is ILLEGAL to make available food which has exceeded its ‘USE BY’ date marking
3. Food may be frozen before it reaches its ‘USE BY’ date – THIS MUST BE LABELLED IN THE
The product must have its original ‘USE BY’ Label displayed
A label must be attached which holds the following information;
1. The date which the product has been frozen
2. How many days remain between the date the product has been frozen and its ‘USE BY’ date
3. The name of the person who has written the label and frozen the product
This information MUST also be recorded in the SAFER FOOD BETTER BUSINESS DIARY
****Once the product has been removed from the freezer a SECOND label must be applied****
The product will only have a shelf life of the number of days between its date of freezing and its
original ‘USE BY’ date
For example……
If a product displaying a ‘USE BY’ date of 10/01/2017 and it was frozen on 8/01/2017 it will have a
shelf life of 2 DAYS before it becomes unfit for consumption and must be disposed of
The label must hold the display the following information;
1. The date the product has been defrosted – if the ‘USE BY DATE’ was the same date as
the date the product has been frozen IT MUST BE USED ON THE DAY IT IS DEFROSTED
2. The person who has defrosted the product
3. The number of days the product can be safely stored before it reaches its ‘USE BY DATE’
(as specified on the original freezing label)
This information MUST also be recorded in the SAFER FOOD BETTER BUSINESS DIARY
Any further clarification please do not hesitate to contact me
Tom Lambeth – FFT Catering Manager