Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School

Approved by the governing body: Autumn 2023
Date of next review : Autumn 2025
Statement of intent
It is the aim of Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School to ensure the school remains open during
adverse weather conditions, when practically possible, providing that this can be done in a safe
Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School intends to, wherever possible, make the decision to
close the school before the teaching day commences, rather than defer the decision and delay the
opening of the school.
The purpose of this policy is to: – – – –
Make the appropriate procedures clear, in relation to operating the school during adverse
weather conditions.
Make clear the grounds for a school closure due to adverse weather conditions.
Advise and inform staff and parents of the systems and procedures in place in the event of a school
closure due to adverse weather conditions.
School policies and procedures
Health and Safety Policy
This policy will be implemented in accordance with the following school policies and procedures: – –
First Aid Policy
Decision to close
The decision to close the school will be made by the Headteacher.
The site manager and the chair of governors will be consulted when making a decision about school
In the absence of the headteacher, the deputy headteacher will assume the responsibility of the
headteacher in relation to the Adverse Weather Policy.
The school will be closed if one or more of the following conditions apply: – – –
Conditions on site are considered to be unsafe and are likely to present danger to users of the site.
The access routes to the school site are considered to be unsafe and are likely to present danger
to users of the site.
Staff numbers are insufficient for the school to be operated safely.
Approved by the governing body: Autumn 2023
Date of next review : Autumn 2025
In the event of school closure: – – –
The headteacher will inform staff and parents via text message and push notification.
The headteacher or member of the administration team will post an update on the school website.
The site manager will display ‘closure’ signs on the school’s entrance gates.
The headteacher will call the local radio station. It is noted that parents will have previously been
made aware that announcements concerning the school will be broadcasted via the local radio station.
In the event of the school having to close during the day, parents will be contacted via text message,
push notification or telephone, using the number provided on the emergency contacts list, and asked
to collect their child from the school.
A closure of the school during the day and an early release of staff will only be considered in extreme
Remaining open in adverse weather conditions
When deciding whether the school will remain open, risks will be assessed by carrying out a snow and
ice risk assessment.
If the school remains open when there has been snowfall or the site is icy, access to the site for pedestrians
will be restricted to the pedestrian gates only.
The site manager will place health and safety caution signs to warn users of the increased hazards on site.
All pathways, wherever practically possible, will have been cleared and gritted.
A notice will be erected to inform that vehicles and pedestrians entering the school grounds do so at their
own risk.
At the headteacher’s discretion, during periods of adverse weather conditions, the playground may be
out-of-bounds to pupils and parents.
All persons entering the school buildings are asked to ensure they wipe their feet thoroughly, in order to
reduce slip hazards.
Health and safety
Approved by the governing body: Autumn 2023
Date of next review : Autumn 2025
The school has a duty of care to anyone accessing the site and surrounding grounds.
The school will be liable if it is found that the school has been negligent in its responsibilities and has
not taken all reasonable measures, given the circumstances, to ensure the health and safety of pupils,
staff, visitors and parents entering the school site.
The headteacher is responsible for ensuring safety on the school site, in accordance with the school’s
Health and Safety Policy.
Staff, visitors and parents have the personal responsibility to express caution and take responsibility
for their own health and safety whilst on the school grounds.
Individuals must take responsibility for the health and safety of any children under their supervision.If
anyone believes that the site is unsafe after the snow and ice risk assessment has been completed, it
is advised that they do not enter the school grounds and inform either the headteacher or site
manager so the safety can be reassessed.
In the event of adverse weather conditions, the site manager will assess the school site and inform
the headteacher at 7.30am of the state of site.
A risk assessment of the site will be conducted in order to assess any potential hazards due to the
weather conditions.
Closing the school is a reasonable decision if pupils or staff are at risk of serious injury due to the
weather conditions.
When roads are impassable, the health and safety issue is overridden by the practical issue of access.
Limited staff numbers
During periods of adverse weather conditions, staff members are expected to make all reasonable
efforts to attend work, whether this means they will be late or not.
Staff members are expected to assess the availability of all public transport and consider the feasibility
of walking to work, if they live relatively close and are fit and able to do so, in order to attend work.
The school understands that, whilst staff members are expected to make all reasonable efforts to
attend work, it is essential to minimise personal risk.
In line with 4.3, it is therefore at the discretion of staff members as to whether they are able to attend
work in adverse weather conditions.
Staff members are required to consider local weather conditions, distance, availability of public
transport, and fitness to walk when making their decision.
Staff members are required to liaise with the headteacher to discuss options of attending work.
Approved by the governing body: Autumn 2023
Date of next review : Autumn 2025
In order to comply with health and safety regulations, different age groups may be brought together
to be taught under the supervision of the available teachers and support staff: – –
No maximum class size limits are set out.
A limit of 30 pupils per class will apply if the majority of children will reach the age of five, six
or seven in that school year.
The school will continue to strive to provide high-quality education in the given circumstances.
Attendance statistics
Where the school is officially closed, all absence is registered as authorised.
When a pupil cannot attend the school due to adverse weather conditions, the pupil will be marked
in the register as having an authorised absence and will, therefore, not affect the school’s attendance
If the headteacher believes the pupil could have safely made it to school but did not attend, the pupil
will be marked in the register as having an unauthorised absence.
Parents acting on the assumption that the school would be closed, without gaining confirmation, or
failing to inform the school of the circumstances that prevent the child coming into school, risk their
child’s absence being registered as an unauthorised absence.
Statutory Testing disruption
If the school has to close, or if a child misses statutory testing due to adverse weather conditions, the
school will make alternative arrangements with the relevant awarding body.
The school takes full responsibility for informing parents and pupils of any agreed changes concerning
exams in adverse weather conditions. This includes: – – –
Using alternative venues.
Results being generated by the awarding body, based on other assessments in the same subject.
The opportunity for the pupil to sit any missed tests later in the year, if agreeable with the
examination board.
Emergency plan
In the case of an emergency relating to adverse weather, the school will follow their planned
emergency procedure, in accordance with the First Aid Policy.
Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School’s emergency plan will contain: –
Information on where to find parent contact details.
Approved by the governing body: Autumn 2023
Date of next review : Autumn 2025 – – – – – – – –
Staff contact details for out-of-hours emergencies.
Details of which staff members have agreed to perform certain tasks during an emergency.All
nominated staff will be trained to:
Contact and liaise with emergency services.
Provide first aid.
Move pupils to a safe place.
Calm and comfort children.
Contact parents.
Deal with any media interest.
Each member of staff will have a copy of the emergency plan.
Paper copies of the plan will be kept at nominated staff members’ homes in case of out-of-hours
All parents will be sent a letter informing them of their responsibilities, e.g. their duty to collect
Monitoring and review
The effectiveness of this policy will be monitored by the headteacher, and any necessary amendments
will be made during review.
This policy will be reviewed every 2 years by the headteacher.