Catholic Life

We believe that Our Lady Immaculate Primary School plays a critical role in the community where we are based and, similarly, the community plays a critical role in the life of our school and the children who attend our school.

We work closely with local primary schools in sharing good practice and accessing high quality training to support children across North Liverpool.  Notre Dame Catholic College is our main feeder school and links are made throughout the year to support the smooth transition in to Year 7. Mrs Naylor from Resonate Music Education Hub supports us in delivering our music curriculum and children have the opportunity to share their learning by performing in school assemblies and celebrations. 

As a school we are highly committed to teacher training and the professional development of all staff. We are a member of the North Liverpool Teaching School alliance which is led by Everton Nursery School and Family Centre. Staff from our school deliver workshop and lectures for school direct trainees and Hope University students.

Bishop Tom Williams is a regular visitor to our school and plays an invaluable and active role in our school community as Chair of Governors and in supporting our children, families and staff. Father Richard Ebo is parish priest, he and Miss Shepherd, link closely with school in preparing children for receiving sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Communion. 

During Lent and Advent we collected dried and tinned food for Fans Supporting Food banks which supports local families who are struggling to buy food. Our children and families were very generous with the contributions and the staff from the organisation were delighted with the donations made.

Our school works closely with a number of local schools through the Link Learning Community Network to develop educational initiatives which support the children within the area.

Spiritual and moral development

SMSC statement


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